Monday, September 18, 2017

Cutweb Rally 2017

The weather was not as good as it has been for past rallies, but the function room was available if needed. The sun did show itself during Boaters Games and general silliness on Saturday afternoon.

We had the honour of helping Lilly, nb Nuggler, celebrate her 4th birthday. Large slices of ‘Frozen Barbie’ cake all round. Thanks grandma Pat.

Much merriment during the quiz on Saturday evening especially during the infamous Cutweb speed raffle – we’ve got this down to a tee now ;^) Much jumping up and down during the Sunday evening horse racing event – Cutweb has a pony club now.

We moved Jannock back up the Stockton flight during Sunday afternoon as we needed to have her at the Bottom Lock dry dock for 11am Monday morning. The sun shone again and we had half a dozen willing helpers all determined to work off their Sunday roast dinner – great beef and loads of vegetables.

No one went hungry this weekend. As well as pub catering, we also had a ‘bring and share’ lunch and the leftovers were then consumed at the races. Home cooking is alive and well! The wild fruit harvest has been good this year so apples and blackberries featured strongly.

We walked back to the Blue Lias for the racing on Sunday evening before packing everything away and taking the car back to the boat when it was all over.

Another excellent rally. Thankyou to everyone who contributed, helped, participated and laughed the weekend away.

Early Monday morning, Graham set us off and we made our way to Braunston. We passed through Calcutt locks sharing with other boats then made our way to bottom lock for blacking.


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